Free platform for producers provides Environmental Credentials

Free platform for producers provides Environmental Credentials

June 07 2024

Jenny Lim (MLA) presents on the Environmental Credentials platform at Beef 2024.

A new platform for red meat producers to compile their own environmental sustainability data to share with the supply chain was released by Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) at Beef 2024 in May.

Based on the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework’s (ABSF) environmental priorities– tree cover, ground cover, carbon balance, biodiversity stewardship and drought resilience – the Environmental Credentials platform was developed by MLA with the goal of building confidence in and understanding of sustainability reporting.

More than 50 beef producers and supply chain participants were involved in designing the platform, with the aim to provide a low-to-no cost, voluntary option to share data.

MLA’s Project Manager for Environmental Markets and Sustainability, Jenny Lim, said Environmental Credentials has been very positively received by beef producers, and end users are also keen to link in to the platform.

“The platform integrates satellite imagery technology, self-guided learning modules and self-assessment checklists, enabling producers to generate reports but also have full control over their data,” Ms Lim said.

“The information can be used to inform decisions on farm or share with an end user such as a bank, retailer, or processor. Producers may revoke data permissions to end users at any time within the platform.”

Producers can work through the three tiers at their own pace. Tier 1 requires them to log in, linking their account with myMLA and complete learning modules, while Tier 2 requires linking in with CiboLabs for groundcover and tree cover measurement, accessing more learning modules, completing a carbon calculation for one year, and self-assessment checklists on biodiversity and drought resilience.

Tier 3 monitors practice change over time and includes three consecutive years of carbon calculations and biodiversity self-assessment checklists.

“We would hope to add additional learnings and tiers so that Environmental Credentials becomes a continuous learning platform that updates information as it goes,” Ms Lim said.

“In the next phase we are hoping to include sheep and goats. There’s nothing to stop those producers from using it now, it’s just that the case studies are grassfed beef focused.”

The platform can currently only be shared directly with a meat processor, but there are projects in the pipeline to include the retail and financial sector, Ms Lim said. Reports can be downloaded in a PDF format and shared outside the platform.

“We’re trying to reduce the data burden on producers, and end users are also excited about Environmental Credentials because it means they don’t have to build their own platform and can utilise what’s provided.

“The needs of end users will also change over time, and the platform provides the base information for them to guide producers to what additional sustainability data may be required.”

Funded by a Federal Government Smart Farming Partnerships grant, the Environmental Credentials platform is the latest release from MLA’s environmental sustainability research and development program and was developed by a consortium that included WWF Australia and the University of Queensland.

To access the Environmental Credentials platform, please visit

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